Monday Motivation: Changing the thought mix to transform life

Even a slight change in the thought could have significant positive impact on our personality.
Monday Motivation

Parmita Uniyal

New Delhi: When we sit at a quiet place with eyes closed we observe different thoughts coming. The thoughts are random with one unrelated to the other. They mostly pertain to our past experiences, jobs, fear, uncertainty etc. This is quite natural and happens to everyone but the mix of positive and negative thoughts varies from person to person.

Since we are what kind of thoughts we have in our mind, it is very important that we try to remain positive. As said above, emergence of negative thoughts is quite natural so it will keep coming. We just have to try feeding our minds with more positive thoughts.

Now the question is how can we always remain mostly positive? Thoughts are a function of what we see, smell, taste, hear and touch. This means all our sensory organs absorb from things around us. If we see beautiful sceneries, eat healthy food and read good literature there are high chances positive thoughts will be stimulated.

Imagine a dog bleeding on a highway after a truck hit it. The moment we see this, we feel bad for the innocent animal. The feeling is processed in our mind and then it shapes our thought.

Similarly, if we watch a horror movie in the night we will get scary dreams in our sleep. Watching the same horror movie in the daytime does not have much negative impact on our mind. And there are chances that by the time we go to the bed in the night, the mind may be processing other scenes of the day and those of the movie are not there at all.

If we watch the same movie with friends around and in the daytime, even the scariest scenes may not affect our mind. It will let it go thinking that the whole movie is someone’s imagination and it has to do nothing with the reality. The mind is too complex to be completely understood but some of the key elements could certainly be comprehended. Better we understand our mind better control we have over it. Once that happens, we start influencing our mind the way it will yield better results.

We can then change the mix of thoughts bringing more positive ones. Even a slight change could have significant positive impact on our personality and realize the dreams of life.

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