Life Hacks: How to cut down on junk food

One of the most challenging things to do is to stop having junk food when you are constantly surrounded by it but it is possible if you take baby steps.
junk food

Khyati Rajvanshi

As a former junk addict and someone who could not live without drinking a litre of Pepsi a day and having minimum 15 tea spoons of sugar in one cup of coffee/tea, one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life is to cut down on junk food. It wasn’t easy and it is not easy still but now the sight of sugar makes me nauseous and I stick to have maximum two tea spoons of sugar at a time. One of the most challenging things to do is to stop having junk food when you are constantly surrounded by it but it is possible if you take baby steps.

Here are some of the ways you could cut down on the junk food intake:


Figuring out what I should eat on a daily basis helped me control my carb and sugar intake by monitoring what I eat. It actually works wonders! It also helps you figure out how many nutritious meals or snacks you have had everyday.


Everything you eat has an alternative. All you have to do is literally Google it or speak to someone whom you know eats healthy or talk to your doctor. If you like a sugary snack, find a healthier and alternative snack to it and stick to it no matter what.


Cravings are normal to have and specially for people who have PCOS, they have crazy intense cravings that are hard to avoid. Sometimes it is okay to give in to them and treat yourself to something you like once in a while. But keep in mind there needs to be a limited about of indulgence in terms of quantity. Biggest mistake people make is cutting down everything so drastically and abruptly that their bodies can’t cope with the sudden change. Don’t be so harsh on your body.


Snack on something small every 2 hours. It could be a fruit or nuts or anything small. This will help you fulfill your cravings and at the same time help you not stuff your stomach with heavy meals throughout the day. I always make sure to carry at least three different fruits with me to work everyday. Having said that, I have had to make sure to do this every working day so that it becomes a habit.


If you are ordering junk food, try share it with people around you so that you intake less quantity. This has helped me reduce my intake and survive in places where people love munching on junk food.


It pains me physically to say no to a delicious plate of junk food in front of me or donuts (something I love) but sometimes, there is this little voice in your head that says no. Listen to that voice and say it out loud. Say no. It is okay to pass on an opportunity to eat something you love once in a while. This boosts your confidence and helps you say no to any junk food offers in the future.


There are endless blogs and posts as to what are the best healthy foods or drinks to have. It is all about finding what suits you and your taste buds. I found green tea to be more appeasing than other “healthy” beverages, so I try stick to it. Find yours and don’t be scared to experiment with food. If you are a foodie or a junk addict, take this opportunity to explore more and see what are the healthier options around the market.


As a student I had gotten into a habit of eating out all the time because it is not time consuming, fun and cheaper in many cases (junk is always cheap). The major change I had to bring in my life was to limit the amount of times I eat out. Having home-cooked meals are hands down the best thing you could do to your body because you can control how much oil or sugar to put in your food. Also, try to order more healthy things when you go out to eat.

That’s some of the suggestions that I could think of from my own experiences. Like I said, it is not easy and is a gradual process and everyone has a different way of dealing with cravings but if you set your mind to it, you can definitely cut down on junk food and one day stop having it completely.

The story was first published in Khyati Speaks.

Khyati Speaks is a travel and lifestyle blog by multimedia journalist Khyati Rajvanshi. With over a thousand international followers, the blog also talks about books, films and stories that we all want to know but are unheard. Follow @khyatispeaksblog on Instagram and Facebook and @KhyatiSpeakblog on Twitter. family of bloggers via WordPress
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