How not to confuse COVID-19 with other flu

The symptoms of COVID are quite similar to the flu. People tend to confuse the deadly virus with the flu as it has similar signs and symptoms.

Satkam Divya

Satkam Divya, CEO, KlinicApp
Satkam Divya, CEO, KlinicApp

Novel Coronavirus (COVID- 19) is the new contagious threat caused by SARS-CoV-2 that has scared people across the world taking over 3,000 lives only in China’s Wuhan city and rapidly spending in other countries.

Globally, over 1,50,000 persons have been tested positive with the virus. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Coronavirus as a global health emergency. Though world-class health experts, scientists, and pharmaceutical companies are giving high efforts to find a solution, no cure or vaccines for the disease have yet been invented.

Things you should learn about the contagious threat

Considering the current statistics, health experts’ advice prevention is the best cure. The symptoms of COVID are quite similar to the flu. People tend to confuse the deadly virus with the flu as it has similar signs and symptoms.

WHO has confirmed the mortality rate of Coronavirus is 3.4%. COVID-19 is more fatal than flu affecting all age ranges but even more deadly among older people. People with pre-existing respiratory illnesses or other health problems are more likely to get affected.

Other than general seasonal flu that is curable, this pandemic flu that has been creating havoc and taking many lives also shows similar symptoms. Thus, people should remain concerned and seek medical assistance immediately and get themselves diagnosed without delay.

To date, there are no death records of children below 10 years old getting infected with Coronavirus, while death instances of children with flu have been recorded. However, individuals with chronic conditions including heart disease, asthma, and diabetes are under high risk of flu.

Getting a vaccine in case of flu can prevent it while following preventive measures is the only way that may protect you from COVID.

Similarities between COVID-19 and flu

  •  Cough, fever, body aches, headache, fatigue, and difficulty in breathing are the symptoms of Coronavirus in mild cases.
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting are the less common symptoms reported in COVID-19.
  • The symptoms of flu include sore throat, muscle aches, runny or stuffy nose along with the symptoms of COVID-19.
  • The signs in advanced cases in both infections include pneumonia and acute respiratory syndrome.
  • In severe cases, the infections affect the immune system and reduce the body’s power to fight back the virus which proves to be fatal.
  • Critical cases of COVID also have shown instances of multiple organ dysfunction and respiratory failure.
  • Both the airborne infection transmits from one person to another in the same way. The virus from an infected person transmits to others through the droplets in the air while sneezing, coughing or talking.

Similar measures to stay prevented from flu and COVID-19

  • Maintain personal hygiene: Maintaining personal hygiene is certainly the best measure to stay protected from air-borne diseases. Avoid contacting eyes, nose, and mouth frequently with unclean hands.
  • Stay away from infected persons: You must maintain a distance from infected persons or individuals with signs of infection. Don’t shake hands or get closer to such individuals. Stay at home when sick.
  • Keep your hands clean: Keep your hands disinfected and clean by using soap and clean water. In case, you don’t have access to soap or water, you can use sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol content. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after eating, using the bathroom and cleaning your nose.
  • Use tissue: Practice using tissue while sneezing and coughing. Also, make sure to dispose of the tissue safely instead of littering it carelessly.
  • Use medical grade mask: Using a medical-grade mask is certainly the best option to stay away from the air-borne diseases. Cover your mouth and nose with the mask.
  • Keep your surrounding clean and disinfected: It will reduce the chances of getting affected with any disease. Disinfect the frequently touched or used objects and surfaces.

Detection of infection at the right time can save your life

Several health centers have set up isolation wards to prevent the spread of Coronavirus as well as other epidemic flu. You must consult a certified medical professional and get your health condition diagnosed without any delay if showing the possible symptoms.

Detection of the disease at the right time can help bring the situation under control. Detecting the infection in its preliminary stage can save your life.

The author is the CEO of KlinicApp