Things to keep in mind when you are sleep deprived

Sleep deprivation affects your quality of life and leads to a variety of health problems. Here’s what you can do to tackle it.
Sleep deprivation

TLI Staff

New Delhi: Sleep deprivation is becoming more common than people might have imagined. Often people sacrfice their sleep to pack in more and more in a day and sleep deficit pile up over the period of time. Sometimes, factors like an illness, a sleep disorder, stress or a temporary change in schedule affect your sleep.

As people grow old, they sleep lighter and for a shorter span of time compared to younger people.

Sleep deprivation affects your quality of life and leads to a variety of health problems such as forgetfulness, inattentiveness, low immunity, mood swings and depression.

Why you need to worry about your sleep deprivation

In fact according to a latest study by researcher Kimberly Fenn from Michigan State University in the US, lack of sleep also affects your day to day performance at work.

“Our research showed that sleep deprivation doubles the odds of making placekeeping errors and triples the number of lapses in attention, which is startling,” said study researcher Kimberly Fenn from Michigan State University in the US.

The study also says that sleep-deprived people need to exercise caution in absolutely everything they do.

“They simply can’t trust that they won’t make costly errors. Oftentimes – like when behind the wheel of a car – these errors can have tragic consequences,” the researcher said.

The study also suggested that sleep deprived people might be able to do routine tasks but it causes decline in overall performance as compared to those who slept well.

You are sleep deprived if…

If you feel drowsy throughout the day, are unable to concentrate on a task that requires your attention, feel sluggish throughout the day, are having problems in recalling things, you might be suffering from sleep deprivation.

You need to urgently address this because in long term, the sleep deficit can increase your chances of depression, stroke, heart disease etc.

Considering people who do not sleep for the required hours may experience micro-sleep episodes, sometimes not even realising they are falling asleep for a few seconds, it may lead to road accidents.

One must consult a doctor, a sleep specialist to nip the problem in the bud.

If your sleep problem is not that severe, you could try some simple tips to help you fall asleep.

1) You could exercise for at least 20-30 minutes everyday, 5-6 hours before going to sleep.

2) Avoid tea, coffee, or substances that contain caffeine, nicotin and alcohol to sleep better.

3) Getting sunlight in the room early in the morning helps you to manage your body clock and sleep better.

4) If you are anxious, you can deviate your mind by reading a book or listening to soothing music before hitting the bed.

5) Take a bath, warm milk, or meditate before trying to fall asleep.

Picture courtesy: Instagram/Officialsleepwell

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