Right input to body and mind to get the best from life

An action has to be executed only after processing it in the mind. If there is strong will to do it then only the idea will be executed properly and bring intended result.
Monday Motivation

Parmita Uniyal

New Delhi: For the finished articles to be of finest quality it is necessary that the raw materials are good. For instance, for good quality doughnuts the flour has to be good. But equally or even more important is processing. If the flour ball is not baked at right temperature and for required time, we may not get good doughnuts.

Similarly, in order to get the best in life we have to provide right inputs to our body and mind. And, right processing of these inputs is another condition.

Now, the one may think as to what are the right inputs. Nobody can say for sure what are the appropriate inputs for others. Suggestions can definitely be given.

Morning walk for an hour might be a good way of keeping body and mind healthy for person X but  a person Y might require a different fitness regime.

Then the question is how would one know what would suit them. The answer can be provided by no one else but you.

Suppose, we are tempted to eat samosa or masala noodles and we go ahead and have it. But after a while we feel burning sensation in throat due to poor quality oil used in preparation. We soon decide to not have it again but repeat the mistake when tempted again.

We have to deep down realise this and develop strong will to not get into the trap. Eating an apple makes one feel better but we still do not make it a habit. So, a regular and periodic review of our habits will give us an idea as to what food intakes are good for the body.

Now, think about the mind and how it responds and reacts to external situations.

When we donate some money to a charity organisation or offer food to the poor we feel elated. Small successes keep us excited about life. Working on the assigned task diligently also make us feel better. So, an occasional review of these things will tell us what are the good actions that bring good thoughts to the mind or happy hormones to the brain.

Likewise, a study of our negative actions or feelings for others would tell us what is bad for the mind. When we keep ill will for someone it triggers a chain of negative thoughts. They first harm us.

Thus, we must provide right inputs to our body and mind to get the best from the life.

An action has to be executed only after processing it in the mind. If there is strong will to do it and right kind of intense desire only then the idea will be executed properly and bring intended result.

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