PM Modi calls for self-imposed Janta Curfew on Sunday, people advised not to step out

PM assured there would not be shortage of essential items and urged the trade to keep the interest of their workers in mind. Proposed to set up Covid-19 Economic Response Task Force for economic challenges.
Narendra Modi

TLI Staff

New Delhi: Setting stage for a possible lockdown of cities and towns across the country to fight the deadly Coronavirus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced “Janta Curfew” on March 22.

On this day, people are expected to stay in their homes from 7 AM to 9 PM.

Explaining the concept of Janta Curfew, the PM said that it is for the people, by the people and imposed on themselves.

He said that the success of Janta Curfew would make the country ready to face challenges in the future. It will also test the resolve and restraint of the countrymen. The Prime Minister said that it would be wrong to think that we would not be impacted by Coronavirus.

“Our efforts on March 22, would be a symbol of our self restraint and determination to perform duty in the national interest,” the Prime Minister said.

Urging the state governments to take the lead, Prime Minister asked all youth organizations including NCC and NSS, civil societies to generate awareness among people about the ‘Janta Curfew’. He urged everyone to try to inform at least 10 other people over phone about this self-imposed curfew.

Prime Minister said that there are many brave people who are in the forefront of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic like medical staff, police, government servants, airline staff, media persons, bus/train/auto operators and those involved in providing home delivery.

To pay respects to their huge service to the nation during such trying times, Prime Minister suggested that on March 22 at 5 PM, all citizens should acknowledge and salute their efforts by standing in the balconies and at the doors of their houses and clap or ring bells for five minutes as a show of appreciation .

Modi assured that all steps have been taken to ensure that there is no shortage of essential items such as food, milk and medicines.

In his Address to the Nation, the Prime Minister said that every citizen needs to be alert and be ready to fight any challenge. In the beginning of his speech, Modi said that scientists were yet to develop a vaccine for the deadly virus and there was no effective medicine available. Therefore, self-discipline and patience were key to fight the virus.
He emphasised social distancing noting it was necessary to curb the spread of the virus.

“Only when it is absolutely essential, people should go out. It is important that we take all precautions to protect ourselves from infection and also help others to not contract the disease,” Modi said.

Prime Minister Modi said that government had decided to set up Covid-19 Economic Response Task Force under the leadership of Finance Minister to deal with the challenges posed by Coronavirus epidemic. The Task Force will ensure all possible steps are taken to minimise the impact of the virus and they are effectively implemented.

The Prime Minister appealed business and trade to keep in mind the interest of people working for them.

He appealed citizens to avoid hospital visits for routine health check-ups and advised them to instead call the doctors over phone for consultation. Modi said that it was needed to ensure healthcare systems are not burdened.

Prime Minister said that patience and resolve of all Indians is vital in fighting the global pandemic which has wreaked havoc all over the world. He requested citizens to follow certain measures to ensure the containment of the fast spreading virus. He emphasized on the importance of not taking the pandemic lightly and the need to be aware and proactive towards prevention of COVID-19.