Among the esteemed guests were Sujata Biswas, co-founder of Suta, and Nisha Rawal, an entrepreneur and actor, who graced the occasion with their presence. Additionally, Nirmika Singh, Founder and CEO of Mox-Asia, and Kusum Kanwar, founder of Kkkids learning systems and Addupskills, added their valuable insights to the event.

Share List TLI Staff On the occasion of Mother’s Day, an annual observance dedicated to moms worldwide, MomsleagueGlobal, a community empowering women from all walks of life to achieve their potential, felicitated 17 distinguished mom entrepreneurs hailing from diverse fields, including Medicine, Event Management, Parenting, Real Estate, Fashion, Interior Designing,Continue Reading

Keshav Chaturvedi's Tedhe Medhe Raaste

Share List TLI Staff Keshav Chaturvedi is a communications professional; photographer by hobby; and a traveler at heart. He has recently launched an audio travel show Tedhe Medhe Raaste with a podcast major- IVM Podcasts – where he narrates his travel experiences in India and abroad. In an interview withContinue Reading

covid 19

Share List Prof. Avinash Singh Delhi had plenty of them! So was the case in big cities in rest of the country, where several NGOs and other bodies into community service put up a great show in helping the gasping for breath citizens of India with oxygen cylinders, arranging forContinue Reading

Sanjay Mohapatra

Share List Nirbhay Kumar As Sanjay Mohapatra steps into the premises of House of Stray Animals (HSA), the animal dispensary founded by him for treating and sheltering street animals, a palpable excitement is seen among its inhabitants. “Hey sweet babies,” calls out Mohapatra lovingly to his ‘children’ as they wagContinue Reading