Monday Motivation: Sitting on mountain top and looking at life we want

Everyone wants to get rid of an unwanted situation but very few are ready to pay a price for that. It is like wanting to buy something without shelling out any money.
monday motivation

Nirbhay Kumar

Fear of moving into uncertain territory, social ostracism and our own self-image are primary reasons most of us ignore our dreams and chase a goal we were not supposed to. In the process, we remain largely dissatisfied and regret.

Most of us maintain a certain lifestyle depending on our income. We fear about losing that lifestyle when it comes to doing something new or afresh. We therefore remain stuck in a job we hate and pursue a career that never excites. In many cases, one does enjoy his work but reach career plateau. As a result, monotony sets in and growth stops completely.

Everyone wants to get rid of this unwanted situation but very few are ready to pay a price for that. It is like wanting to buy something without shelling out any money. It does not happen that way except in our make-believe world. The better the quality of a product, higher is its price. Obviously, if we want to live a life of our choice, we have to be at least ready for change in our lifestyle.

Many successful people have their own share of struggles which remain mostly hidden.

The second reason which stops people from following their calling is the fear of being socially excluded or social ostracism. For most of us, it is hard to escape “what will people say” and subconsciously each of our action is driven by that. The first thing that comes to our mind when we want to make a transformational shift is how our uncle, aunty, neighbour or friend would react.

If the change means falling few notches below in terms of generally-accepted hierarchy we reconsider our decision. What we fail to see is the bigger picture that could change the life for better, and forever. Sadly, the same people who we care for the most never come to help when the need arises. In a way, we fall prey to the gossips of people around sacrificing our best years in life.

Self-image or how we think society perceives us is another crippling obstacle that confines us. Thinking too much or too little about oneself is equally damaging. In both cases we fail to see our real strengths and weaknesses. Hence, we make wrong projections of ourselves and as a result make wrong moves. This is akin to a business consultant having wrong inputs and hence making disastrous forecast.

Disassociating from our current situation and viewing things from a distance could help us in making right choice. We may visualize ourselves to be sitting on the mountain top and looking at life we want.

Image courtesy: Pinterest

Monday Motivation: Thoughts in mind are like water in the river

1 Comment

  1. Many thanks for writing this inspirational piece. This will inspire many to become courageous.
    There is a popular couplet of a song that goes as follows
    कुछ तो लोग कहेंगे, लोगों का काम है कहना
    छोड़ो बेकार की बातों में कहीं बीत न जाए रैना
    Very few of us muster the courage to avoid people’s reactions even about our very personal and private matters, and least are those who dare to shun a beaten path. And it’s them who set an example and lead the world. A saying goes
    लीक लीक सब ही चलें, लीके चलें कपूत
    लीक छाड़ ये तीन चलें, शायर, सिंह, सपूत।
    We cannot be objective about the affairs unless we change ourselves into a neutral and keen observer and see the life through a bird’s eyes from top.
    A fact we often ignore is that change is the motivation since variety itself is the life. A change is brought only by those who themselves become a change.

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