Practice yoga to keep your lungs healthy

Better lung health can ensure good oxygen flow in the body, an enhanced flow of Prana (life giving force), and an overall good health.

Yogi Himanshu

Taking care of lungs has become more important than ever in pandemic times. Better lung health can ensure good oxygen flow in the body, an enhanced flow of Prana (life giving force), and an overall good health.

In the normal course of the day, the stress and anxiety around us results in shallow breathing which in turns leads to lungs receiving less oxygen than they need. If our lung tissues are not receiving proper oxygen, it can impact immunity and the risk to contract infections increases. With the ongoing Coronavirus scare, it’s all the more important to care for our lungs and make them ready to battle any such infection.

The toxic air quality due to air pollution is already weakening our lungs and in the absence of any attention to this crucial internal organ, our lungs may suffer in the long run and can result in some or the other respiratory disease. Many suffer from chronic ailments like cough, cold, sinus, asthama due to pollution and these health conditions make the immunity low over a period of time.

Good lung health is also important in feeling active as it improves efficiency of our day to day tasks. A good flow of prana keeps the quality of our thoughts, emotions in check and helps us stay energetic and alert. Especially, when one is mostly staying indoors and the physical activity has been significantly reduced, the lung function may get affected and one ends up feeling dull and lethargic.

As we grow old, the concern around our lung health must increase as after a certain age, the efficiency of lungs may decline if we do not take proper steps.

Yoga can help one in maintaining lung health. There are various yogasanas and pranayam techniques that can strengthen lung muscles and improve the oxygen flow in the body that also improves immunity.

Sukhasana, Bhujangasana, Matsya Asana, Padma Sarvangasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana are some of the asanas that help clear the chest, improve blood flow to lungs and strengthen the lung muscles.

Practicing Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shuddhi and other such exercises also help improve lung function. Some of these exercises help release stale air from the lungs and create space for fresh air to enter.

Regular practice of Yoga ensures that one not only stays active physically and mentally on day to day basis but also when disease strikes, our body is ready to give it a tough competition.

(Author is a well-known yoga teacher and Founder of Himalayan Yoga Association, Rishikesh)

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