Prof. Avinash Singh
Delhi had plenty of them! So was the case in big cities in rest of the country, where several NGOs and other bodies into community service put up a great show in helping the gasping for breath citizens of India with oxygen cylinders, arranging for ICU beds and ventilators and providing medicines that went off the racks of chemist shops when Conoravirus was wreaking havoc, literally ravaging the country.
They all got their fair share of media glare, some even more than they deserved for they had machinery promoting themselves using social media.
At a time when COVID crisis was its worst and the pandemic deaths were peaking, a very dedicated bunch of people were busy at several places simultaneously extending helping hand silently, rendering amenities like food, dry ration, medicines and oxygen in border region of Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir and upper reaches of Himachal Pradesh!
These included difficult forward belt of Tarn Taran, Amritsar, Batala and Gurdaspur. These are the selfless group of Diocese of Amritsar (DOA). Their affectionate action is still on! The Diocesan COVID-19 Relief Project named “Love in Action” is reaching out even today with emergency deliveries of dry ration, cooked food, protective gear, critical care medications and mental health (trauma) facilities.
Diocesan Relief Project has delivered more than 4000 dry ration kits, 30000 packets of cooked meals, 18000 masks, 800 PPE to health workers on the frontline of the pandemic. Institutions under Diocese of Amritsar (DoA) also undertook charitable programs in association with state and local governments. Several Diocesan guest houses, schools and other institutions were given for quarantine purpose.

The DoA has equipped its COVID care units in all the three states coming under its purview. It still has an intensive program on in identifying COVID cases, providing support, building awareness and mobilising vaccinations.
Most Rev. Dr P K Samantaroy, when contacted, rather than taking any credit, said the volunteers worked at all the centres as committed units as a community of God. DoA has a dedicated a 24/7 helpline number to ensure timely and quick redressal of various medical and essential services. Availabilities are verified regularly before people are referred!