
Share List LifePedia | Anand Sharma “Don’t you want somebody to love Don’t you need somebody to love Wouldn’t you love somebody to love I’d really like somebody to love But it’s hard to find somebody to love” Rehashed Lyrics from a 60’s track though the lyricist could well haveContinue Reading

Laxmmi Bomb

Share List TLI Staff New Delhi: Corona crisis has left the cinema lovers craving for their regular dose of movies as theatres across the country remain shut in the wake of the deadly infection. Unable to release their films on silver screen, producers are now turning to digital platforms for premiereContinue Reading


Share List H. H. Swami Mukundananda The physical immune system safeguards our physical well-being; so does our psychological immune system that defends our mental well-being. Psychologists Daniel Gilbert and Timothy D. Wilson formulated the phrase ‘psychological immune system’ that encompasses all our cognitive mechanisms, which fortify us from experiencing despondentContinue Reading

Share List TLI Staff New Delhi: After nearly four months of being restricted to their homes, TV actors are now heaving a sigh of relief with the shooting of their respective shows resuming. However, things have changed drastically at the sets with stringent hygiene measures, thermal screening, and other safetyContinue Reading